Captivating Visuals: #WordlessWednesday #Photography

Wordless Wednesday – No words, just pictures. Allow your photo(s) to tell the story.

Photo of an open gate to a path with grass verges on both sides. In the distance is a deserted beach.
Would you like to come for a walk with me here?

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To help those with eyesight-impaired vision, please remember to complete a description of your photo in the ‘alt-text’ and description boxes of the picture in the WordPress media library. For more details, check my post, Adding Images Or Photos To Your Blog Posts? 4 Essential Things To Do.’

If you want to know more about the photo featured on this post, ask me in the comments section.

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47 thoughts on “Captivating Visuals: #WordlessWednesday #Photography

  1. That’s quite a view Hugh. I’m an avid walker but no beaches like that are near me. I am lucky, however, to live near many shoreline parks, most with boardwalks, which make for a nice walk. We are dealing with a lot of ticks right now, a casualty of our exceptionally warm Winter, so staying on an asphalt or cement pathway is the safer choice these days.

    1. The tick problem sounds horrible, Linda. I’ve heard of Lime disease, which can infect humans with tick bites. We’re advised to wear long trousers when we walk in the long grass during spring and summer, but sticking to the asphalt sounds much safer.

      1. Yes, it’s very bad this year … asphalt pathways are the best solution and doing a tick check every time you’re outside. At the beach – no worries!

  2. It would be delightful feeling the breeze from the sea, walking down to the beach, and right into the cooling waves. I have another photo of just such a walk to the beach that one has roses on the vine along the way which you could say then would be the cherry on the cake.

  3. If I had a beach like that to walk on, I’d do it everyday – but here we have intense heat and humidity, so walking has to be around 6-7AM. I don’t walk in the summer but do water aerobics or swim laps every day (May 15-October 15). I much prefer that to walking because the walks are boring.

    1. Heat and humidity are something I hate at the same time. I won’t walk if it’s like that. But living on the coast means we don’t get those sorts of days too much.

  4. I’m usually pretty good at taking walks. I have many different rounds to choose from, depending on how far I’d like to walk. Anything from 15 minutes to well over 2 hours if I’d like.

      1. I hate walking in the rain, so I avoid that. It can be a bit too hard if it’s too hot as well outside. Luckily we rarely have too hot weather.

      1. It is so refreshing, Hugh! Oh yes, it is very welcoming during the summer months, especially this year when it has been so hot already, Hugh! How about for you? Does the sea provide some freshening breezes? Thank you! Cher xoxoxo

        1. One of the reasons why we chose to live on the coast is for the cooler temperatures, Cher. During the summer months, the refreshing sea breezes help a lot.

    1. How lovely, Dina. Is it busy at this time of the year? I was surprised by how quiet the walk that I was on in the photo in this post was. Although it was mid-morning, so I’d expect it to be busier after lunch.

  5. Oh, yeah, I’d follow that trail. The color of the water looks spectacular and the day seems like a calm one – perfect weather in a beautiful place, ideal for walking. Now the question is: where are we? And, are dogs allowed?

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