Antiques: Do You Own Any? #WordlessWednesday #Photography

Wordless Wednesday – No words, just pictures. Allow your photo(s) to tell the story.

Photo of a colourful art deco vase that has hand-painted flowers over it.
What’s The Last Antique You Bought Or Were Given?

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34 thoughts on “Antiques: Do You Own Any? #WordlessWednesday #Photography

  1. The vase is gorgeous, Hugh! I don’t have any antiques except one small item. It is a thimble owned by my great-grandmother. She brought it over to Canada from England when she was a girl. I think it would be about 100 years old now. Cher xoxoxo

  2. That is a lovely vase, Hugh. I own an antique writing desk (1919) that I purchased when I lived in Tampa, Fl. It has traveled with me for over 20 years and has held up very well. It seems older furniture was made to last more so than what we see today.

    In my area, there are numerous antique stores and antique malls, especially if we travel north to the quaint mountain towns.

      1. I imagine the desk has quite a history. I’ll take a photo of it soon and publish it. It is very unique.
        Yes, we visit the antique stores and malls, and thoroughly enjoy it. We’re not collectors but we have found some very interesting and unique items.

    1. Very true, Esme. Whenever I find anything I like (or get given something I like), I get rid of an item, usually to the local charity shop. It’s nice to think that I am passing on the joy of an item to somebody else.

  3. I have a family heirloom that’s a mandolin made in Florence in 1892.

    None of us know about how we came to have it but I vow to someday have it restrung (it doesn’t have any strings) and repaired (some of the mother-of pearl keys need replacing and it has a small dent on the side) and have it played on one of my songs.

    Despite its current condition, it is a beautiful instrument.

    I like your vase, I imagine it makes you smile when you see it.

    1. It does, Paul, but the mandolin you mentioned sounds lovely. What a shame nobody knows where it came from. Do you recall ever seeing it when you were younger, maybe in a grandparents house? I hope you’ll able to get it restored and manage to find out its history.

      1. It’s always just been with us Hugh, no-one knows from where. I did consider submitting it to The Repair Shop, but it doesn’t really have a known sufficient backstory. I will however get it restored one way or another.

  4. Very pretty, Hugh.

    I have a collection of cranberry glass. I wouldn’t mind selling but I don’t think it’ll be worth much.

    1. You never know, though, Cathy. Sometimes, we can get the value of things so wrong.

      I loved this vase a lot when I saw it online. Placed a bid, and won! It’s now on display. Will I use it? I may do.

      1. Yes, that’s true, coloured glass might come back into fashion.

        Well done for placing the winning bid. It was a great buy.

  5. Cool looking vase you have there! No idea what it’s worth, though. My guess is priceless, because I guess that somebody you love made it for you. It certainly looks handmade.

      1. The ring doesn’t fit, perhaps one day it will… I don’t really collect specific things but have been gifts many wonderful items. My sister is THE collector in the family and one of her biggest collections is of porcelain hands.

        1. How lovely, Annette. I’m more of a ‘if I see it and like it’ collector. I used to collect Christmas antiques, but ended up with too many.

  6. Pretty! But, none of that in our moving household. 🙂 If we’d live in a normal house, I would have happily claimed a few antique pieces of family members and in-law family members that have passed away.

        1. Yes, you’re right. Although from some of your photography, some of the big cities look as if they’ve had money invested. I would imagine that there are some lovely neighbourhoods in them too.

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