What Do You Call A Group Of Bloggers? #WordlessWednesday #Photography

Wordless Wednesday – No words, just pictures. Allow your photo(s) to tell the story.

Black and white group photo of the bloggers who attended the Bloggers Bash held in London in 2018.
Bloggers attending the Blogger Bash held in London in 2018.

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Linking to Sunday Stills hosted by Terri Webster Schrandt – Theme: Groups.

Are you participating in Wordless Wednesday? Although I am not hosting this challenge, you can leave a link or pingback to your post in the comments section to help promote it to other bloggers.

To help those with eyesight-impaired vision, please remember to complete a description of your photo in the ‘alt-text’ and description boxes of the picture in the WordPress media library. For more details, check my post, Adding Images Or Photos To Your Blog Posts? 4 Essential Things To Do.’

If you want to know more about the photo featured on this post, ask me in the comments section.

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48 thoughts on “What Do You Call A Group Of Bloggers? #WordlessWednesday #Photography

  1. I’ve never met any of my fellow bloggers and I would love to. What a great photo full of memories, Hugh. I like Ritu’s term ‘A bloggle’!

  2. Blogeley as in Family , I was there I went to four as I couldn’t make the first one….they were the high lights of those years . I loved meeting my blogeley and still love them all now those I have met in person and virtually. I am in that photo on the floor far right. You where always there with a hug Hugh such wonderful memories 💜💜 I really miss them 💜💜🤣🤣🤣

    1. They were great events, Willow. I’m glad we held them and that so many bloggers came to them. I’ll have to dig out the videos I have of them, which you are featured on and publish them again, especially given that the anniversary of each event is coming up.

  3. Oh Hugh this brought back memories! I’m in that photo with my daughter :). I wonder how many of the group are still blogging? Some great suggestions here for a ‘group of bloggers’.

    1. I know some of the people in the photo blog elsewhere now, Debbie. Some have moved on to other things. But glad the photo bought back happy memories and that you got to attend a Bloggers Bash event.

    1. I recall us live-streaming some of the events on social media for those who could not attend. And it does only seem like yesterday that they were held. Happy memories.

  4. Oh that’s so nice! I don’t know what the collective would be called but it would definitely be nice to physically also meet those whom we interact with, only through each others blogs from all around the world! Without that, may be we are “21st century Penpals” (no pen involved) 😀..

    1. They were fabulous events, Esther. And I recall you were at the very first one in 2015, as well as all the others. I went on to write a short story that included the 2015 Bloggers Bash – ‘The Truth App.’

  5. Some good suggestions here…a Blogett of bloggers is my two penny’s worth…it certainly looked like a good day.

  6. I like bloggle too, Hugh! What a great shot and I had really longed to hop the pond and visit while you were still engaged in the event. I couldn’t even list the names of bloggers I’ve met in person, but once you meet someone who has similar interests as you, the friendship formed is life long!

    1. Sadly, the pandemic bought an end to the Bloggers Bash, Terri. Maybe, one day, someone will organise a bloggers meet-up again. I haven’t heard of any, but I know how much hard work goes into sorting one out. I don’t think everyone in the photo blogs anymore.
      You’re right about the friendships that are formed.

  7. I guess a bash of bloggers? 🙂 Looks like a fun time. It’s always nice to meet like-minded folks and share a few stories and drinks – and maybe even a meal!

    I’ve met several fellow bloggers on my journey through North America a few years ago. Some of them on Vancouver Island, like Donna, and some in California, like Terri and Janis. And most recently Lexie in Texas, who I don’t think follows your blog.

    1. That’s a good choice, Liesbet. The Bloggers Bash took place every year between 2015 and 2019. From 20 attendees in 2015, it peaked at over 70 bloggers a few years later. That was rather a lot, so we had to limit it to around 50.

      Good to know you’ve met up with other bloggers.

  8. What a lovely photo! I’m there, standing 6th from the left. I remember the Blogger’s Bashes with great affection and particularly Ritu’s cakes! I’ve got a feeling this one took place on the day of Harry & Meghan’s wedding, and several of us nipped out into the bar to watch it on TV! I recognise Linda Hill, Marje Mallon, Shelley Wilson, yourself, Hugh, and Geoff le Pard. Amongst the bloggers are some whose books I’ve read, loved and reviewed, others who’ve read and reviewed mine adn have been a huge encouragement, and whose articles and books I still read! I keep up with my blog SC Skillman once a week on Thursdays… most weeks! Have just written and scheduled mine for tomorrow. I do need to follow your advice on alt text photo descriptions though…

    1. I was hoping somebody from the photo would leave a comment, so thank you for doing so. It’s great to know you attended the Bloggers Bash.

      Yes, this was the year that Harry and Megan chose the same date as the Bloggers Bash to hold their wedding. Thankfully, the weather was good so we could go outside to get to the main bar without getting wet.

      Yes, the alt text description box is so important to complete for our blogging friends who have a sight impediment. I get thanked a lot for adding the details of images and photos in that box.

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