Flash Fiction Friday – An Unexpected Response

June 27, 2023, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story responding to “We’ve received your complaint.” Who has received the complaint and why? How was the complaint delivered — with grace, humour, vitriol? Go where the prompt leads! See June 27: Story Challenge in 99-words for more details.

An Unexpected Response – by Hugh W. Roberts

“We’ve received your complaint,” the email whispered through the screen.

Sarah’s blood ran cold. How did they know? She had never told a soul about the scratching sounds that echoed from her attic at night.

The email continued, “We apologise for the disturbance caused by our spectral resident. Rest assured; our exorcist team will investigate the paranormal activity.”

Dread clutched Sarah’s heart. She’d never have expected a reply, let alone a promise to banish the unseen entity.

The attic door creaked open as she stared at her inbox, revealing a shadowy figure.

Her complaint had caught the ghost’s attention.

Written for the 99-word flash fiction challenge hosted by Charli Mills at the Carrot Ranch.

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33 thoughts on “Flash Fiction Friday – An Unexpected Response

  1. Now this is creepy, Hugh! Mind-reading spirits–we are doomed! I’ve been slowly watching the Netflix series Supernatural of late. I can’t watch it every day–pretty intense. But the spirits the guys encounter are scary!

    1. I remember a TV show called Supernatural, Terri. Is it the same series on Netflix? It was made about 20 years ago I think. It was about two brothers who investigated paranormal activity. I enjoyed watching it, so may give it another go.

  2. Your ability to evoke emotions and create a haunting atmosphere is commendable. I was thoroughly engaged throughout the entire story. Well done! 🙂

  3. I agree with Erika. You’ve left us hanging here Hugh.

    I did love this spooky story Hugh. An interesting take on a complaint … which reminds me, I need to write a complaint when I get home

    1. Thanks, Brenda. Sometimes, these short pieces of flash want more attention, but I like to leave them as they are and allow the reader to imagine the story further.

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