Flash Fiction – Colours Behind The Mask

Red, orange or pink lips? The choice was hard. Which one?

And then there were the shoes. Purple, brown, gold, light blue, white, or plain old dull grey? No contest! The purple ones always seem the most comfortable to wear and walk in.

And what about the dress? Multicoloured? Or how about the new bright green one with yellow flowers on it? After all, it’s new and still has the price tag attached. It’s about time it got shown off for the first time. There’s plenty of eyes to see it.

As for the nails, the gold nail varnish looks fantastic and smells like pear drops, a favourite sweet that always brings happy memories of Grandma.

It’s time for me to look in the mirror. I can’t help but feel a surge of confidence and excitement as I take in my reflection. How gorgeous I look in all these colours, don’t you think so?

Is that somebody coming into the house and walking up the stairs? Yes! My heart skips a beat. Oh, no! Panic, panic, what shall I do? My mind races, trying to devise a plan, but fear freezes me.

It’s too late. My father, a man whose presence always brought a mix of fear and anticipation, is already in the room. I don’t even have to turn around to find out he’s there, as the stench of alcohol, tobacco, and hints of my schoolteacher, Mrs. Freeman’s perfume, hit my nostrils.

My whole day went black. The only good thing was that I could watch the bruises change various colours as they faded.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com

Written for Esther Chilton’s writing prompt – Colours.

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