Why Do People Follow A Blog? Why And How To Unsubscribe Those You Don’t Want

Why would any blogger want to unsubscribe somebody from following their blog?

After all, we all want more followers, don’t we? However, there are genuine reasons why you should unsubscribe some people from following your blog.

For example, there may be a blogger who is horrified that one of the managers from their office has subscribed. Or a family member has found your blog where you share intense feelings about family and friends.

Then there are the ungenuine followers who only follow your blog in the hope that you’ll visit their blog and buy products you don’t want or need. Are any of them following your blog?

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Are there any people following your blog that you don’t want following you? Remove them now.

Why do people follow blogs?

Isn’t it because they enjoy reading the content? Not necessarily, no.

When I began blogging, I asked why some people wanted to follow my blog. For example, why were a womenswear company and a blog that sold coach holidays following my blog?

At the time, I was not writing and publishing any blogging or social media tips, so I could not understand their interest in my content.

They never ‘liked’ or left comments on my blog posts, yet I was still conscious that they were lurking in the background as if waiting for the right moment to pounce on me. 

Some of them may have been playing the ‘follow you, so you’ll follow me‘ game, but I soon realised they were interested in taking my or the money of my followers.

At the time, I was delighted with watching the number of followers increase, but there may be occasions when you want to unsubscribe somebody from following your blog.    

Here’s how to do it on WordPress.

  • Ensure you view your blog’s dashboard in the ‘Default‘ view.
  • On your blog’s dashboard menu, click on ‘Users.’
Image highlighting the 'users' button the dashboard of a WordPress blog
Click on Users.

On the Users page, click on Subscribers.

Image showing the subscribers link on WordPress
Click the Subscribers link.
  • You’ll now see a list of all the subscribers to your blog, with the ones who subscribe via email first.
  • To remove someone from your subscribers’ list, click on the arrow next to their name.
Image showing a list of subscribers and an arrow to where they can be unsubscribed.
Click the arrow next to the person you want to unsubscribe from your blog.

On the next page, click on the Remove button.

Image highlighting the Remove button on a WordPress blog.
Click the remove button to unsubscribe somebody from following your blog.
  • They will now be unsubscribed from following your blog or receiving email notifications of new posts.

There is nothing stopping people from still viewing your blog and trying to subscribe again, but you’ll get a notification if they subscribe again. 

By unsubscribing them from your blog, they will get no notifications that you have published any new blog posts. Nor will they know that you have unsubscribed them from your blog. 

Is there anything else to consider?

Yes. You may also like to remove the same people from your social media accounts.

This is especially important if newly published blog posts are instantly shared on your social media platforms.     

Of course, suppose you have reasons for not wanting certain people to discover your blog or social media accounts. In that case, it’s probably better to use a pseudonym and not publish photos of yourself on your blog or social media accounts.

Because I publish many blogging and social media tips, I’m no longer concerned about who follows my blog. However, I will remove or block anyone who tries spamming the comments section on my posts with uninvited links or keeps trying to sell me something I don’t want or need.

Let’s wrap it up.

  • There are genuine reasons why people want to unsubscribe somebody from following their blog.
  • Follow the steps in this post to unsubscribe people from following your blog.
  • Remember to do the same with your social media accounts.
  • Just as when you unfollow a blog, people you unsubscribe do not get notified that you have unsubscribed them. 
  • Unsubscribing somebody does not mean they can no longer view your blog, but they will stop receiving notifications of any new blog posts you publish.
  • Consider using a pseudonym on your blog and social media accounts if you don’t want anyone to know your real identity.
  • Block users you do not want to receive any comments from.  

What about you?

Are there any reasons you’d want to unsubscribe somebody from following your blog? Have you ever unsubscribed somebody from following your blog? What are the main reasons why you follow a blog?

Join the discussion by leaving a comment that I can respond to with more than just a ‘thank you.’

Layout, content, settings, and format might differ on self-hosted blogs.

This is an updated version of a post originally published in February 2020.

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